Sunday, January 27, 2008

Fuzzy Wuzzy was a bear

I cracked open my journal from early first semester, and fun blogs always come from the silliness found in old journals.

It's funny how much a blanket can make me smile. I don't have any deeply sentimental blankets anymore. I had one as a child, my blankee, that I carried with me everywhere I went, the picture never complete without my thump in my mouth and my bald Cabbage Patch doll tucked up under my arm. I made Brian a fleece blanket for Christmas last year. Though things have become something we never imagined, he says wrapping himself in that blanket is the closest he can get to me, so he does it every night. Shoot, I just like being warm. Blankets cradle me. I pull mine up to my chin every night, no matter the temperature. I find security in its shield from anything that lurks in the night. Most importantly, it keeps my feet warm, which is really what it all comes down to. They are a safe haven. I love them.
Someone to love is a blanket. I am afraid to brave the world without someone to hold my hand and protect me from the things that lurk in the night. It is something I'm growing accustomed to, this nakedness. I need to learn this. Some night the world will be sweltering and I will need to release that safety blanket and let the cool summer breeze roll over me. God is calling me to that right now. He has pulled back my blanket and is waiting for me to let Him wash over me.
I love blankets, I'm just wanting one to love me back.


Sara said...

Hm... Interesting. My journals usually say "today, I saw a boy and he was cute but then I found out that he was stupid. I hate life." I should try using metaphors. I would sound a lot smarter to myself.

One question: If the world is sweltering, how is there a cool summer breeze?

Just askin'.

Lesley said...

yeah i don't make sense. but life doesn't make sense. it works. shhhh sara. ;)