Thursday, November 22, 2007

Turn around

I'm cutting my Thanksgiving break short and heading back to school on Saturday. I slacked off a bit too much this semester, and I'm right at the point where, if I push hard enough, I can make it out alive. That being said, I have to read two and a half full novels this weekend, and write two papers. I'm off to my room now to curl up with the next assignment for Children's Lit. I'm a little too sleepy to tackle the book for Bible Lit.

I just wanted to say that I'm beginning to feel whole again. Last year around this time, I just couldn't get out of bed, I couldn't move, I couldn't breathe. I didn't have any focus, and God was not a part of my life, at least I wasn't trying to include him. Being at FPU has been amazing. I have friends, I have decent grades, and most importantly, I have God again. I say this because I don't want you to think because of that last post that I'm crying in the corner and near emo depression. I'm not. I'm not sad. I just miss him, but beyond that, things are really great. Becca and Tiff, they're phenomenal. Isaac, Jesse, Lauren, and Loren, gosh, I have so many incredible people in my life these days. Thanks, guys. Really.

Today is Thanksgiving. I'm thankful for my family and my health, of course, but I'm thankful for this second chance. I can't wait for 2008. I'm ready for a completely fresh start.

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