Friday, May 30, 2008

what do May flowers bring?

It's been a while.  I apologize.

The twists and turns of life have been a-twisting and a-turning over the past few months.  I finished my first year at Fresno Pacific and the grades were so-so.  The English program is really great though, and I'm still very, very happy with my decision.  In March I started dating Graham and he's definitely why I've been so happy these days.  We became practically inseparable so him moving back to Tulare after classes ended was a little tough.  We're totally fine though and so exciting to watch our relationship develop.  He left for the summer today to play baseball on an independent league team in San Luis Obispo (oh I know, poor him) (, so hooray for long distance UH-gain.  It won't be that bad though.  He'll be having a great time doing what he loves in about the best city to do it in (not to mention most of the away games are in Santa Barbara and Santa Maria), and I'll be busy working.  I'll see him every 10 days or so, so not a problem.

That leads me to work.  I got a job at the cafe in Barnes & Noble in Riverpark and I've been working at least 25 hours or so since early May right after I moved into my apartment.  Right now I'm living with Jan and Sara, but Sara is moving out when Katie gets back from Germany and they find their own place.  My new room mate Kristin is moving in when school starts.  It's a really nice 2 bed-2 bath in Sierra Meadows off Bullard and Blackstone.  It's pretty awesome (especially the having my own room and bathroom part).  

The end of June brings my 21st birthday.  Kinda excited about that.  I'm just excited about the excuse for spending time with my sister and then having an awesome weekend at the coast with Graham.  He really is fantastic.

K I'm done updating you.  I hate update blogs.  Sorry.  I'm going to try to post more often this summer now that I finally have internet again, so we won't have to do this every time.  Ok?  Ok.  Have a good one.